Why Choose LEON Health?
High-quality affordable health care
Numerous doctors and specialists you can trust!
3 Unique Solutions to fit your lifestyles needs
Plans offering medical, dental, vision, prescriptions drugs and much more!
Nationally recognized Medical centers
Providing high quality care by partnering with trusted providers.
Covering all of Miami - Dade county
Convenient locations for your comfort.
Educational Resources
Medicare Explained
Understanding the difference between Medicare and Medicare Advantage are key in helping you with your decision.
Enrollment and Eligibility
You can find all the necessary information here to assist you in signing up to Medicare. We will give you all the knowledge to make the best educated decision.
Medicare Coverage
What is and is not covered by Medicare? All your answers in one place.
Medicare Costs
Choosing the right plan does not have to be a complicated process. We will provide you with the different cost explanation to help you decide.
Plans Made with You in Mind
Dual SNP plan – Great plan for members with Medicaid and Medicare, offering LeonPlus a flex card with $1,800 per year that can be used toward the purchase of OTC products, food and provisions, gasoline, utilities, rent, pet supplies, and much more. Additionally, Leon MediDual offers up to $5,030 annually in prescription drugs, including generics, 100% without limits, and at NO COST. Among other benefits, the plan also includes comprehensive and preventive dental coverage, providing up to $5,000 per year.
LEON MediExtra (HMO)
Our Comprehensive plan offers exceptional prescription drug coverage, with an initial coverage limit of $9,000 in prescription drugs, including generics, 100% without limits, and at NO COST. Leon MediExtra also offers LeonPlus, a flex card that provides $840 per year that can be used toward the purchase of OTC products, food and provisions, gasoline, utilities, rent, pet supplies, and much more. Among other benefits, the plan also includes comprehensive and preventive dental coverage, providing up to $7,000 per year.
LEON MediMore(HMO)
Unique plan featuring a $110 monthly Part B Reduction Plan and exceptional supplemental benefits.